Friday, February 3, 2012

A step-by-step method to install Linux distro side-by-side with Windows XP

  1. Click the device (eg. C:\) with the left mouse button.
  2. It will be highlighted.
  3. Click it with the right mouse button.
  4. A menu will appear, from which choose (click with the left mouse button) Properties.
  5. Click the Tools tab in the window that appeared on the screen.
  6. When the Tools tab content appears click Defragment and wait until this process is over.
  7. Insert the CD (or the USB) having the Linux distribution (PCLOS, Ubuntu, SimplyMEPIS or any other distro) that has to be tried and/or installed onto the hard drive in the CD drive (or the USB port).
  8. Restart the machine (netbook, laptop,..etc), hit the function key (eg. F12) that provides the user the choice of booting the machine (from the hard drive, USB or CD drive).
  9. Choose the drive having the Linux OS (using the up/down arrows) then hit Enter.
  10. Play & try the OS, to install on the hard drive, click install me and follow the installation wizard that is composed of few screens..
  11. After the installation is complete, a prompt will advise the user to remove the CD and then hit the Enter key. Now you can start your machine.
  12. The screen that will be displayed would give the user the option to boot into Windows OS or the Linux distro installed.

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